Magpie Falls (Serge is on the right)

Magpie Falls (Serge is on the right)
Aug. 3, 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 41 – FDR Fished Here! (Spanish, ON – Manitowaning, ON)

Another day of great weather – a little chilly with temperatures in the 50°s to wake up, but it warmed up to the mid-70°s for riding. Today’s route took us off the main highway (Route 17) and onto some back roads with much less traffic (but a whole lot bumpier).

We rode along the north shore of Lake Huron (too far from the lake to see it).

After taking over the Tim Horton’s in Espanola (home of a rather large Domtar Paper Mill), we headed south along Route 6 to Manitoulin Island.

Prior to crossing the bridge to Manitoulin Island, along the route we passed by a plaque honoring Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s fishing trip to the area in 1943.

Manitoulin Island’s claim to fame, is that it is the largest island in a freshwater lake in the world. There is a lake on Manitoulin Island and an Island on that lake – I could go on, but you get the point by now…

Another day of spectacular views on either side of the route – the bonus was not having to worry about 18-wheelers speeding by just 6” – 12” from your left shoulder. We had a great tailwind for most of the day so we ended up completing the 83 miles in a little under 5 hours, including stops. That made for an early arrival in camp - I was 1st so as a bonus, I got to unload the truck.


  1. Hi Bill - Manitoulin Island is a beautiful island for cycling as I have done it a few times. You'll be getting on to the "big ferry" tomorrow at South Bay Mouth and off to Tobemory then Owen Sound Sunday. Yep, I know!! Did that last year. Hope to see you in Owen Sound Sunday afternoon. Staying where?? Safe and happy cycling to you all. Terri Rintoul

  2. Hi again, Bill. I forgot to tell you that I live just about an hour from Owen Sound in Kincardine which is just on the shores of Lake Huron, south of Owen Sound so, thus my chance of meeting the "2010" group. Terri
