Magpie Falls (Serge is on the right)

Magpie Falls (Serge is on the right)
Aug. 3, 2010

Sunday, June 21, 2015

An adventure in the making - GO NAOMI!!!

A message to Naomi!

On this morning's walk wit Sunshine through Grace Lord Park in Boonton, I came across a cycling adventure in the making.

A young cyclist sitting at the park bench, with the tell tale signs of a bike tour - fully loaded panniers, and more water bottles than I could count.  Couldn't resist stopping and finding out more.  

Naomi was on day 2 of what I fondly call a "disorganized tour" - started yesterday in Clifton NJ, and was headed for Niagara Falls, Ontario in Canada. No fixed route or schedule other than ride each day and see what it brings.

She had in my opinion, the most important piece covered - a bold sense of adventure and the belief and self-confidence that she could do it.  

I shared my pearls of wisdom learned from TdC and other cycling adventures - mainly it may seem tough in the first week or two, but give it time and the long days at the start will seem like cake-walks later on as you define your new normal.

Best of luck on your adventure - it will change your life.

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