Within 10 miles we had climbed out of the valley and the sun had burned off any clouds. The route was amazingly straight, and for the first 50 miles, not very crowded. Here are two shots I took standing in the center of the road, the first looking west and the second looking east so you can get a perspective of how straight the roads are around here.
Serge made the comment “Now I know what the phrase ‘the middle of nowhere’ means!”
Along the route we saw horses and a few areas with lots of cattle in the fields. I have learned that if you talk to the cattle as you go by, they will get up, come to the fence and watch you as you pass - Did I mention that it was a long day!!! It was great having the bovine spectators along the route.
Having already ridden 60 miles, out of Hanna AB, we had a 30 mile ride into a headwind. It made for a very long and mentally challenging end to the day.
As is the tradition in Youngstown (at least for the last 17 years) the community put on a pot luck dinner for the riders. This year was especially challenging as we were 40 riders as opposed to the usual 20 – 25. The community did not let us down – despite descending on the tables of food like a plague of locusts, there was plenty for all.
I have found that the people we meet along the route are very friendly and accommodating – probably being very sympathetic to our weeks that lie ahead. Tomorrow is another long day. The route instructions are: Turn left out of the campsite, ride 91 miles along the same road, turn left into the campsite.
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