The bulk of February has been spent "Cross Training" or my euphamism for skiing. I did manage to log a little over 50 miles on the road despite some winter weather coming through New Jersey. Unfortunately for the skiier in me, the major storms have gone either north or mostly south of us.
Now for the "Drive Train" update... On Monday, I went in for minor foot surgery to have a cyst removed from my right foot. The option was either that or major bunion surgery (with an 8-10 week convalescence) so I opted for the more conservative route.
The surgery went well, and I have a follow-up with the doctor on Friday to get a better perspective on when I can resume "normal" activity (or at least what I would call normal activity.)
I am not missing any outdoor riding as we got yet another snowfall in NJ on Tuesday, with more expected tonight and tomorrow. I did manage to get in a 38 mile ride on Sunday before surgery, bringing my year to date mileage up over 150 miles.
This year I have decided that in addition to tracking my weekly mileage, I would also track my cumulative climbing. I wonder at the end of December how many "Everests" I will have climbed - so far I am at "0.37".
My short term goal, once I get the green light from my Doctor, is to log an additional 250 miles before the end of March, gearing up for the "Hills of Attrition" ride (see profile -55 miles with 8 decent climbs - one with a 20% grade) in mid-April, which proved to be a very effective way to get the climbing legs off to a good start early in the season...
If you double click on the image, it should bring up a better image to view the ride profile.
118 days to "Wheels Up." in June.
Day 72 Argentia to St Johns 83 Miles
14 years ago